
Red Bull – Effectiveness and Safety Concerns Revisited

  Red Bull energy drink safety concerns We have all seen the commercials stating Red Bull gives you Wings, well it may not actually give you wings, but through our research, it can give you a boost of energy. You may get a boost of energy, but you need to pay attention to the health risks involved and ensure you pay attention to warning labels before consuming. At this time, Red Bull is the most popular energy drink in the United States and there are many people that cannot go a day without drinking at least one or more of these drinks. The strange thing is that those that drink Red Bull do not call it drinking it all but call it using. Could this be due to the fast energy boost you get along with the way the drink makes you feel? Home security PROFILEMATE Personal Experiences Sarah, professional photographer and mother of three seven and under replaced her coffee habit with Red Bull. When I asked about her personal experiences with Red Bull her exact words were, “MMMMM, Red Bull”. She

Are You rally Vitamin D Deficient?

  Vitamin D, or the sunshine Vitamin is often one of the most overlooked nutrients human beings require for optimum function. Vitamin D is required for bone growth and remodelling, cell growth and  neuromuscular and immune function. It is also required for its anti-inflammatory effects. Our most abundant source of vitamin D is sunlight, though it can also be acquired through food as well as supplementation. There are however key demographics and groups of individuals who are more likely to be deficient in Vitamin D. Other factors that come into play are seasonal changes, latitude, time of day, cloud cover and skin melanin levels. People who are most likely to suffer from Vitamin D deficiency are: Individuals with naturally brown or dark skin The elderly population who are less likely to go outside into the sunlight Individuals who wear clothing that fully conceals them whether for religious or personal reasons. Pregnant women and babies who are breast-fed by Vitamin D deficient women I

Medical Interventions for Dealing With Addiction

  Various medicines are available to help individuals dealing with addiction. Now that we have explored the background of addiction, what it means, what can cause us to become addicted to something, met David and heard his story, it is time to begin looking at the interventions that are available for medically treating addictions. We looked at three of the most common addictions that people encounter around the world, and explored a number of possibilities for dealing with them effectively.  Tobacco, alcohol, and drug addiction are the areas we are going to explore. While gambling is another common and well-known addiction, there is at present no solid scientific evidence or approved studies that have demonstrated how medicines can help to curb a gambling problem. Landing Page and Funnel Builder Treatment Processes Two main medical interventions need to happen when treating an addiction.  These deal with the withdrawal symptoms experienced when people are weaned off whatever they are a

Psychological Interventions: Dealing with Addiction

  Dealing with addiction is psychological as much as it is physical. We have already explored the various medical interventions that are available for those dealing with various addictions, focusing primarily on nicotine, alcohol, and various categories of drug dependency. Pill However, we must realize that medical intervention is only 50% of the battle we face when dealing with our individual inner demons.  In order to fully conquer our vices and move forward with our lives, it is critical that we  want,  in our own hearts and minds, to put a stop to our destructive addictions. Unfortunately, as anyone who has had an addiction in the past will testify to, it is not even just a case of wanting to give something up.  How many times have we read or heard stories in the media, or even spoken to friends or family members who have told us the following: “I WANT to give up cigarettes/alcohol/drugs, but I just cannot do it.” As we have discussed previously, it is easy at that stage for someon

Ten Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

  Did you know that tea is the most widely drunk beverage on the planet after water? Well it’s true, and with all the research and studies into the health benefits of tea drinking, it seems there is no better time to fill up your mug. Tea drinking can first be traced back to South and East Asia where the tea plant was first cultivated. Though many stories exist about its origins, the earliest and most definitive record can be found in a medical text by Chinese writer Hua T’o in the 3rd century AD who claimed that tea led to improved thinking and mental clarity. This article will look at the top 10 health benefits of drinking tea, and will hopefully convince you to start drinking it too! Poker Helicopter_Rental 1. Tea Contains Flavanoids and Antioxidants Flavanoids are a group of plant pigments that have proven themselves to be very useful in preventing a number of diseases. Antioxidants too are known to fight the damaging effects of free radicals, keeping you disease free and healthy.

Can Where You Live Make You Fatter?

  Is your bodyweight linked to where you live? A new study, released at the end of January in the International Journal of Obesity [1] , suggests that where we live could play a key role in whether or not we are overweight.  Unfortunately, there is a scientific side to it, it is not as simple as saying, “People who live close to a McDonald’s or Taco Bell are more likely to eat those foods on a regular basis, therefore are more likely to be overweight.” While there probably is a study in existence somewhere – Morgan Spurlock’s 2004 documentary  Super Size Me  does not count – that makes that point, the current paper, from the from Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland, is linked to the altitude at which we live.  More specifically, it says that those who live at altitude are up to five times less likely to be overweight or obese in comparison to individuals living at ground level. PROFILEMATE Relocation While the lead author of this particular study,

Who Can Help You Deal With Addiction?

  Knowing who can help could be key to dealing with your addiction After the intensity of looking into the deep reaching impacts of addiction, and ways in which medication and psychology can help us to deal with our dependencies, it is time to take a step back and recognize the people that will be of most assistance to us during our journey from addict to abstinence. In much the same way that medicines are not often prescribed without a psychological intervention, and vice-versa, the journey back to ‘normality’ is often impossible when we do not have the help and support of those closest to us. Who are the groups and individuals, outside of those we have already discussed in this series, whom will have the biggest role to play in our recovery? Family Members & Friends As we already know, opening up to family members or friends about our addictions can be hugely difficult.  This will often be born out of how we feel ourselves in relation to our condition, and what we perceive will b